All the reasons that the earth may be destroyed one day!

    Explosion, War, Soldier, Run, Attack

Do you know about zombies? Will we be protected if there is an outbreak of zombies at any one time? I know, it's a weird thought, but there's no end to the number of thoughts that go through people's minds.

One such question that keeps popping up in the minds of everyone from ordinary people to scientists is, "How will the earth be destroyed?" Yes, I know it is very difficult to say exactly how the earth will be destroyed, or when it will be destroyed. But let's take a look at the possible causes of how the earth could be destroyed by scientists considering the theory and the situation!

1. Flood- basalt Volcanism:
Although we don't hear much about volcanic eruptions at the present time, these volcanoes have been the cause of extinction of many species in the past. Iceland's Lucky eruption in 183 caused lava to spread up to three cubic miles. Not much, floods (lava floods), ash, and smoke killed nine thousand people, 80% of the cattle died. These eruptions have been going on for ages. And if at some point all the volcanic lava in the world starts erupting, then you can understand what could happen!

 Flood, Weather, Rainy Days, Heavy Rain

2. Global warming:

At present, global warming has become the most worrying cause for scientists. Although people are most responsible for this. If you still think that what will happen next, only the temperature will rise, and the coastal areas may sink, and nothing else, then put an end to that thought here. If such environmental pollution continues, at some point it may be seen that the surface temperature will be 900 ° Fahrenheit like Venus. Most likely that will be the end of the world.

Pollution, Environment, Drone, Aerial

3. Ecosystem Collapse:
The changes that are taking place in the ecosystem of the environment are noticeable. But what if this ecosystem changes completely? What worries scientists is that 30,000 species become extinct each year, with humans responsible. If the species continues to be extinct in this way, the end of the life on earth will not be long.

Clean, Environment, Garbage, Recycle

4. Biotech Disaster:
On the one hand, human beings are causing the extinction of various natural organisms, on the other hand, new microorganisms are arriving in the laboratory, all the microorganisms that will create our life-threatening in the future. Just as genetic engineering is a blessing in disguise for us, it can also be one of the reasons for the extinction of the ecosystem. And if a harmful microorganism falls into the hands of an insidious mahal, it is only a matter of time before it spreads to the earth and causes the extinction of life.

Pollution, Garbage, Degradation

5. Global Epidemics:

Its results can be very well understood with the present time. Scientists are speculating that the amount of viruses, or bacteria, that are being developed will lead to a time in the distant future when no parasites can be prevented. And perhaps the period of the transgression will be the last sign of man.

Coronavirus, Quarantine, Pandemic 


6. The rise of smart robots:
The robot is already smart, so what else does it take? A smart robot that can think like a human, work alone without any instructions. In other words, when robots take over the whole world, including humans, then the last human footsteps in the world can be.

 Robot, Mech, Machine, Technology, Urban Robot, Machine, Digital, Robots

7. Asteroid Impact:

What if an asteroid larger than Earth, or a star, hit Earth? Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen at any time. Scientists also think that the destruction of the earth due to gamma ray burst is normal.

Asteroids, Planet, Space, Meteor

8. Exclude everything. None of this happened. You actually woke up and realized that you have been imagining for so long, your family, friends are all your dream partner.

And if we are not destroyed by any of the above, then one day or another we will be destroyed by the sun! Because the sun will get bigger and it will destroy all the nearby planets like Jupiter, Venus and the earth.

There are also many other ways to destroy the earth. And all this is just an estimate of the scientists by judging and analyzing. 

So what do you think is the reason for the destruction of the earth?


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