What will happen if you wake up at night and sleep during the day?

Do you wake up at night and sleep during the day?
Most of the time, it is a pleasure to stay awake at night and spend a lot of time sleeping during the day. Some people claim that it increases their 'creativity'. The word may apply in some cases.

Close-Up Photography of Woman Sleeping

For some of those who are great scientists, philosophers or talented people in any creative profession, the silence of the night may be more suitable for work. But most of the night people like us are ordinary and their night time people do not do any good for human welfare, but they do great harm to themselves. Sad but true, a large part of today's young society has become accustomed to it.

According to the clock, some animals, including humans, are supposed to fall asleep at night. Again, the life of animals like tigers, lions, foxes and bats is clockwise. They wake up at night and sleep during the day. Homo sapiens, the most intelligent creature on this green planet, ranging from unicellular animals, the physiological functions of all animals in the world run in a certain rhythm. This is called the 'biological clock', which scientists call the 'circadian rhythm'.

Many people know about circadian rhythm, biological clock or Bengali body clock. In particular, after the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for winning the Nobel Prize in Physics and Medicine in 2016, Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rossbach and Michael Young, three scientists became famous outside the field of biology.

This ‘body clock’ is a physiological thing that controls the way a person stays awake and sleep. Sleeps in the dark, wakes up in the light again. Lots of switch on-off systems. This switch on-off again affects other physiological factors. So naturally any noise in the body clock will interfere with our physiological functions.
A number of studies conducted in 2005 have shown that if you do not get enough sleep day after day, the secretion of Phil Good hormone in the brain gradually starts to decrease. This naturally increases the risk of developing problems such as depression and anxiety. So if you want to keep your mind strong in the midst of thousands of stress, then do not forget to compromise with sleep!

Experts believe that everyone needs adequate sleep to stay healthy. If someone goes to sleep watching TV or working on the computer, his brain is excited. The result is not good sleep. By doing this he may suffer from problems like loss of appetite, depression, neurological disorders etc. Many people drink tea and coffee frequently to wake up at night, which is also harmful to health.
The habit of staying up late increases the risk of various mental illnesses, as well as many long-term physical ailments. The severity of those diseases can lead to death.

High blood pressure, weight gain, loss of brain power, loss of mental retardation, loss of skin beauty, severe heart damage:
Moreover, there is a risk of serious physical problems as well as irritability, depression, and sudden onset of severe anger.

One has to be aware of oneself first to avoid the ‘bad habit’ of unwarranted nightmares. If someone has a habit of sleeping at five o'clock, he will not be able to sleep at 12 o'clock the next day if he wants to. 

Gradually change the habit. First day four, then night three, after a few days two ... In this way you have to get into the habit of sleeping on time.


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