How to read the human mind?

Fans of Missy Ali must be well aware of the special power of Fatah in the book "Baghbandi Khela". Let those who do not know, this special ability of Fatar is to understand the mind of others without mind reading or any kind of communication. How can ordinary people get this special power of fictional characters? Let's turn to the world of psychology where most of the news is hidden!

Let us first come to the difference between telepathy and mind reading. Telepathy and Mind Reading are not exactly the same, Telepathy is Two Way Communication and Mind Reading is One Way. Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well as the most delusional. On the other hand, when it comes to telepathy, you both know what's going on in your mind. Here, the problem is that there is still a long way to go to meet people who are capable of direct mind reading. (Strange powers of mind reading have been observed in autism and some mental patients in particular, but it is not known exactly how they do it !!) ? Is my human life useless then !!! No! If you say there are a few rules!

★ Behavior reading or reading behavior
In this way one observes another's behavior, his attitude, some of his outward features and tells what is going on in his mind, what his next step might be. This special method is used by the officials of the crime department to know the psychological thoughts of the criminals. The point here is that if both the person who is going to read the behavior and the person who is going to read the behavior have the ability to create behavioral patterns, then the behavior-reading does not work well. Behavioral behavior refers to the ability to throw dust in another person's eyes.

For example, if you try to read your behavior here, you will change your behavior in such a way that the person in front of you will not understand what your true behavior pattern is. The behavior pattern of Luka Magnotta or the infamous serial killer Yoo Young Chul in the Netflix series Don't f ... With Cats is later in this deception! Again, the person who will read the behavior will have the ability to hide his emotions with a keen eye and will also have the ability to deceive. Now if both of them are able to cheat on the same level then there will be trouble.

Now let's talk about some of the tools that will ease your work. At the top of this list is the polygraph or lie detector. The polygraph reveals the user's false or deceptive answer by various physiological activities such as blood pressure, respiration, skin reactions, etc. The premise is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can distinguish false answers from true ones. However, there are no specific physiological responses to lying, so it is difficult to distinguish which one is telling the truth or which one is lying. This is why polygraph testers use their own scoring methods with computerized techniques, which helps them to make their own assessments more accurate.

In some countries, the polygraph is used as a tool to interrogate criminal suspects or candidates for important public or private sector jobs. Many police departments, including U.S. law enforcement and federal government agencies such as the FBI, NSA, and CIA, such as the LAPD and Virginia State Police, use polygraph tests to interrogate suspects and recruit new employees. The federal government of the United States refers to the polygraph test as a psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD) test. The average cost of conducting a polygraph test in the United States is over $ 700, and it currently stands at $ 2 billion as part of the industrial sector.

However, as a result of advances in science, some new versions have been added to the history of mind reading.
Neuroscientist Bryce Kuhl and his colleague Hummy Lee invented the human mind-reading device, which was not entirely successful but was very successful. Kuhl and Lee created images directly from their memory by examining some people with the help of an MRI, some machine learning software and AI. However, the picture is not quite clear!

Guohua Shen, Tomoyasu Horikawa, Kei Majima and Yukiasu Kamitani, four scientists at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan, have invented a device capable of "decoding" human thinking using deep neural networks (artificial intelligence). The device is able to show some reflection of what the person is thinking. It is limited to a light concept of objects, three-dimensional imagery, and the ability to guess a lot, and its refinement is still ongoing.

Scientists Kamitani and Bryce, however, are still behind their instruments so that they do not have to worry about the future. But the question remains, will these instruments be a blessing for us or will they be tomorrow? Only time will tell what the future holds for us!


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