Surrogacy - Why a separate womb is needed for childbirth

 Surrogacy, Surrogate, Mother, Fertility

Pregnancy or surrogacy is something that many of us may or may not have heard of. Maybe many people do not know what it means!

In fact, surrogacy is a type of medical procedure where a mother raises and gives birth to another child in her own womb.

Undoubtedly, it is a great pleasure for a woman to be a "mother". But what kind of situation is it that you have to rent the womb without holding the child in your womb? Before that let's take a light look at surrogacy.

There are two types of surrogacy.

1. Traditional Surrogacy / Partial Surrogacy: The practice of surrogacy begins with this type of surrogacy. In partial surrogacy, the baby is born from the father's sperm and the surrogate mother's egg. In this method the mother does not play any role in conceiving. On the one hand, the surrogate mother is the biological mother of the child. In partial surrogacy, a woman's ovum and womb are rented.

2. True-Surrogacy / Gestational / IVF Surrogacy: In the IVF method, embryos are created in the lab with the mother's egg and the father's sperm. It is then transplanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother. Since the fetus did not use the surrogate woman's egg, the surrogate mother does not claim to be the child's biological mother. There is no doubt about the paternity or motherhood of the fetus that fertilizes the sperm and ovum of the parents. IVF fertilization of eggs and sperm cannot be considered as test tube baby.

Who is the Surrogate Mother?

The surrogate mother is the one who rents the womb to give birth. Now in two types of surrogacy (Traditional, Gestational) in partial surrogacy the surrogate mother is biologically the mother of the child but in gestational surrogacy it is not possible. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) has made it possible to produce an embryo by removing the mother's ovum and combining it with the sperm. So in this case the surrogate mother cannot be called a biological mother.

When do you need a surrogate mother?

1. Miscarriage despite repeated attempts

2. Any disease that has hindered your pregnancy or if you get pregnant will 

increase your chances of any accident including physical complications.

3. Hysterectomy- removal of the uterus due to surgery

4. IVF treatment also prevents pregnancy

5. Premature menopause etc.

Although many celebrities nowadays resort to surrogacy for fear of getting fat, it is better not to do surrogacy without any problem.

Medical Risk in Surrogacy

1. Multiple births are possible if more than one embryo is transplanted. Multiple births are associated with premature births, low birth weights, and health problems.

2. Fertility drugs are given for the purpose of producing more than one egg in the ovary. It is rarely seen that it causes Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) in the body. OHHS can lead to blood clots, kidney failure, and even death. However, this is a very rare condition. So there is no need to worry about it.

3. The surrogate mother may have gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, bleeding, or a cesarean section.

Surrogacy has helped many childless couples to have children. Although many countries have different laws on surrogacy, in many countries this treatment is again banned, in many countries only gestational surrogacy exists. Again, the surrogacy system is a blessing in disguise for gays. If a gay couple wants to try to have a child of their own, one of them can have a child with sperm and the other with a surrogate mother's egg.

What is your idea about surrogacy? Don't forget to comment!


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